The Application of Mobile Technologies to Healthcare
Mobile internet and technologies form the next big technology wave, as nicely summarized by Jane Sarasohn-Kahn in a recent blog post. One of the trends discussed is the explosion of improved products with broader and faster capabilities at lower prices, similar to what has happened in the computer industry. This trend is accelerating the development of information technology [IT] as applied to healthcare or what it is called Healthcare-IT. This acceleration, in turn, is making possible the advent of telemedicine and remote disease management to treat patients with chronic diseases from the comfort of their home.
Matthew Holt describes a joint venture between GE and Intel called Care Innovations that is creating useful products using mobile technologies, such as the Intel Health guide for personalized remote monitoring at home. This is a great step in the direction of empowering patients to take a more active and positive role in their own care.
The full power of mobile technologies, though, depends on combining those technologies with the good judgment of physician[s], as pointed out by Evan Falchuk . As he says, being a good doctor means asking good questions. This is key for treating the condition of a person with success.
Many emerging, consumer-centric companies are using mobile internet and technologies and some of these business models could be applied to Healthcare-IT, as summarized in a post by Shahid N.Shah. One example is Groupon. Subscribers could receive an online notification of a good discount for a preventive procedure, such as measuring for diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol, at a local practice. A great Groupon example along these lines was recently described by John R. Graham .
The advent of telemedicine, remote disease management, and the rise of Health 2.0 consumer-centric companies will promote the consumption of healthcare through mobile devices. The implication is that health care mobile activities will become a large component of all the mobile economic activity.